1th December 2024 : we went to Leeuwarden with Niilo & Hazel for our last show this year : Dutch Winner Dogshow. Our Crown Show of the year ! Well , both did really very nice :
- Caballus The Black Stallion “Niilo” : BOB & Dutch Winner 24
- Myosotis “Hazel” : BOS & Dutch Winner 24.

September 1th we went to the show in Rotterdam, very nearby our hometown and I entered Hazel this time, she looks super right now . Well she did really great ! 1 Excellent in Intermediate Class, CAC &BOB and …. Second place in Group 8
in August we went to Denmark for the Curlytraef 2024, this time also Hazel was with us and entered for the show. Niilo was: 1 Excellent in Championclass & Best Of Breed and became Danish ShowChampion .In the Primary Workingtest ( Brugsprøve) he was the best Curly with 39 points ( out of 40)
Hazel was second in Intermediate class & CK and Third Best Bitch and showed really very good, her first time this year !!
in Spring and early summer we did several shows in Belgium and Germany with Niilo. And we both did great. End of April we had the Brabodogshow in Antwerp ( BE) were Niilo was BOB and shortlisted in group 8. In May we went to Dortmund Europasiegershow : Niilo was Europasieger 24 and BOB & shortlisted in Group 8. Finally we went to Gelsenkirchen German Winnershow end of July 24 and Niilo was again BOB . Gained his final CAC for VDH Championship and was Best in Group 2
First show in 2024 !! We went to Mouscroen ( BE) for hopefully Niilo’s crown CACIB for getting the International Show Champion (C.I.E) titel …..and he did it ! 🎊 . In the mainring group 8 he was shortlisted with the final 6 . So proud of my boy !

The end of November is always Dutch Winner Weekend with the Fryslan Cup on friday and the Winnerdogshow in the weekend. I entered Niilo and Hazel
FryslanCup: ( only Hazel entered) Hazel ( Myosotis) 1 Exc in Junior class, Best Junior and her final for becoming Dutch Junior Champion
Dutch Winnershow : Hazel( Myositis ) 1 exc Junior class Junior Winner ‘23 and reserve CAC
: Niilo ( Caballus The Black Stallion):CACIB /Winner ‘23 & BOB
At Dogshow Maastricht Niilo ( Caballus The Black Stallion) was 1 Excellent in Champion Class and BOB with CAC/ CACIB . He gained his final CAC to be DUTCH CHAMPION at 27 months of age

2th and 3 th of September we had our Dutch Curly Club Weekend and Champshow with lovely results:
✨Niilo ( Caballus The Black Stallion) 1 Excellent in ChampionClass, BOB and CLUBWINNAAR 2023
✨Hazel ( Myosotis) 1 Excellent in Juniorclass and Best Junior Bitch
✨Ruby ( Myosotisis Miss Greyling) 1 Excellent in Veteran class and Best Veteran in Show
19th of August we went to Mechelen ( BE) with Niilo again, after a long time since April 1 th , and he did it again !! BOB with CACIB and on top 3th In Group 8
In July and August we went to Luxemburg Retriever show with Hazel, her first official show and she did great: 1 Excellent in Junior , Best Bitch and Luxembourg Junior Champion
Very proud of Niilo’s first litter born in Czech Republic 14th of July . We visited them at six weeks and I was very pleased with the 10 puppies
1 & 2 th of April we went to Luxemburg IDS and we came home with a brand new Champion !!
“Niilo” Caballus The Black Stallion is Luxemburg Champion and was placed Third in Group 8 on Saturday 1th of April . Superproud of my boy

HollandCup Dogshow Rijnland 19-3-23
Niilo BOB & HollandCup Winner 23
Ruby ( Myosotisis Miss Greyling) BOS & Best veteran HollandCup winster’23 HollandCup VeteranWinner

Crufts 2023 9th March
We went to Crufts Birmingham with Niilo ( Caballus The Black Stallion) and he was entered in Post Graduate Class. He made the cut for a lovely Third Place ?

28th of January 2023 we had the Topdog Show of the Year show in Dordrecht. This show is only on invitation for groupwinners and clubwinners of 2022
Niilo was qualified because of his group-3 win at the Gundogshow las5 September 2022
?Niilo ( Caballus The Black Stallion) was Runner-Up in Group 8 at The Dog of the Year show !!!!

in the last three months of 2022 we showed Nilo with great succes:
Gundogshow Arnhem: Nilo BOB and third in group witch qualify him for “Topdog of the Year show”
FryslandCup Leeuwarden : Niilo: BOB with CACIB
Dutch Winner Dogshow Leeuwarden : Niilo BOB and Dutch JuniorWinner&Winner ‘22
Christmas Show Gorinchem Niilo BOB with CACIB
on top of this year Niilo( Caballus The Black Stallion) is Top Curly in the WOW competition ( Winner of Winners) 2022

We had a lovely weekend in Luxembourg 16-17 July .Niilo was entered in Retriever Clubshow in Mertert.
Niilo ( Caballus The Black Stallion) was Best Junior, Best of Breed, Best Junior in Show and Reserve Best in Show

We have been to three shows in the Netherlands with Nilo
Rijnland 27-3-22: Niilo 1 Exc in Junior BOB &CAC
Outdoor Zeeland: 17-4-22: Niilo 1Exc in Junior BOB&CAC
Holland Cup : 4-6-22: Niilo 1 Exc in Junior BOB&CAC
Caballus The Black Stallion “Niilo” is now Dutch Junior Ch NJK 22
First show in 2022 IDS Eindhoven and we had entered Niilo in puppyclass and Ella In Open class
Niilo was best puppy and Ella was BOB and got her first CAC ….
a sad day……. We had to say farewell to our lovely Macey ( Kelsmere Kamala) *15th June 2011 — +15th January 2022

NIILO is now 6 months 14 december 2021. We are very proud

Finally some news in 2021
Super happy to announce that we have a Caballus Boy in the house again. Big thanks to breeder Tiina Illuka to entrust us this lovely boy to us.
Caballus The Black Stallion “ Niilo”

On 26th of September we went to Maastricht with Zouke. She did great, 5 Curlies entered and in Junior she got 1 Excellent and BOB & CAC

on the 18 th of September we had our Champsow from the Dutch Curly Club in Lochem. I had 3 girls entered and got excellent results
Ella ( Engadin Stars Stria Svartifoss) got 2 Excellent in a strong Open Class. Ruby ( Myosotisis Miss Greyling) got 1 Ex in Veteran & Best Veteran in Show Zouke (Foxriever Elegant Enigma) 1Excellent in Junior Class , Best Junior in Show and Best Bitch in Show !! With a double CAC

3 th of July and 7 th of August Ella ( Engadin Stars Stria Svartifoss) went to the show in Goes and in Gorinchem and got two times 2 Excellent in Open Class. Just now she was out of coat but we were just so happy to go to a show again. She did show excellent

Again sad news…..on his eight birthday 28-10-2020 Mieke Hasselman said farewell to her beloved “ Lars” Ch Myosotisis Fiyero. Lars was Mieke’s faithfull companion and had many many prizes in bloodtracking. The first Curly ever with CACIT in bloodtracking in the Netherlands . He will be missed terribly.

We are happy to announce that we will have a new kid on the block . Foxriever Elegant Enigma “Zouke” is born in England with Denyse and Andrew Whitehead on the 12th of April 2020. When she is 15 weeks we will welcome her at Myosotisis. We are very pleased and happy that Denyse and Andrew entrusted this lovely girl to us.

Finally some good news
Dogshow Eindhoven 09-02-2020
Myosotisis Glen Moray “Vika” Dutch Champion

Engadin Stars Stria Svartifoss “Ella” Best Puppy in Breed

Sometimes you cannot stop crying……
My precious boy , soulmate went over the rainbowbridge far too young, we had so many plans and activities to do……. ……. I miss him sooooo much
Multi Ch Caballus John Brown “Jussi” 28-03-2015 — 02-02-2020

Again a very sad day…… we had to say farewell to our lovely boy Vigo
CH Elerrina Poetry in Motion 1-11-2008 –28-11-2019
We will miss him dearly……

On 3 November we went to IDS Bleiswijk with Jussi. Also his daughter Myosotisis Glenlivet ( Finn) was present from Fam de Jongh. Jussi was BOB and Finn was at her first show ever best bitch CACIB !!! Proud breeder .

October 11th we went to Germany Dortmund to Bundessieger show with Jussi and Vika.
Myosotisis Glen Moray ( Vika) was 3 excellent in Open class. Caballus John Brown ( Jussi) was 1 Excellent in Champions class, CACIB ,Best Of Breed and Bundessieger 2019 !! In the group he was shortlisted for the 6 finals !!
A sad day……we had to say farewell to our beloved Gitte ( Elerrina All The Answers) on October 2nd 2019. Sadly she was diagnosed with a braintumor in the small brains…… too early ..?
we will mis this sweet gentle girl forever ❤️ 24-03-2011 — 02-10-2019
Since 11 September we have a new kid on the block
Engadin Star’s Stria Svartifoss “ Ella”
we love to have a Vigo daughter at Myosotisis, and I want to thank Elke Bönicke for make this possible. Ella is born out of Engadin Star’s Numa by Ellerina Poetry in Motion , on 29th of May 2019 . Ella is going to live with our son Rens and daughter in law Irene
We went to Luxembourg IDS at 31th of August 2019 and also this time we had great results.
Vika was 1 excellent in Intermediate Class, CACL and Res CACIB
Jussi was 1 Excellent in Championsclass , CACIB and BOB. Jussi is now Luxembourg Champion !
judge Mr Theo Leenen ( BE) , 9 curlies were entered and present
At Windsor Championshipshow 29th of June 2019 several pups from Foxriever kennel were entered. They are from the litter from Jussi ( Caballus John Brown ) and Kammi ( ShCH Kelmere Kamana) . All five shown puppies in UK are now Crufts Qualified, and” Foxriever Star Tribute to Stormacre”( Dandy) was Best puppy in Breed.. Love this young boy ( 7 months in the picture)
Wednesday 29th of May, Vigo’s ( CH Elerrina Poetry in Motion) and Numa’s puppy’s are born in Switzerland at Engadin stars Curly’s There were 14 puppies born !!! Unfortunately 3 puppies did not make it.
We hope to welcome one of these babies at Myosotisis in a few months http://www.curly.ch
25th of May we went to dogshow Oss with Vika ( Myosotisis Glen Moray) and she did it again . 1 Excellent, CAC/CACIB and BOB !! proud of my girl
19th of May we went to Europasieger show in Dortmund ( DE) .Vika got 1 Excellent in intermediate class and a double CAC-VDH
It has been some time since we have shown Vika ( Myosotisis Glen Moray). But she was back in the showring at Easter Dogshow Goes 21th of April 2019, first time out in Intermediate Class and won in style with 1Excellent, CAC/CACIB and BOB.
On 16 December 2018 we went to the Winner dogshow in Amsterdam .Vika was entered and became Junior Winner 2018 and got Reserve CAC
Myosotisis Glen Moray , NJK’18. JW’18 . LuxJch
5 CAC’s in just 5 shows entered
Vika celebrated her first birthay at 30th of Sepetmber. And we have the results of her hipscore :A So we are very pleased .
8-9 September was IDS Rotterdam were Vika was entered both days, trying to get her final Junior point. Both days Vika was Best Junior and Best of Breed with CAC. Vika is now :Myosotisis Glen Moray, NJK, Lux JCH. She is my first Curly that has the Junior Champ title so fast at 11 months of age. Now she dropped her coat, so we wait for some time to bring her in the showring again.
25th of August we went to Mechelen Belgium with Jussi. At this show Jussi was Best of Breed and got his last Belgium CAC for Belgium Champion.
9 August we were at the Benelux Winner Show in Amsterdam with Jussi and Vika. Judge : breed specialist Annemieke van Luyk- Greveling
Jussi( Caballus John Brown) : Best of Breed and Beneluxwinner 2018 (his brother was Reserve)
Vika( Myosotisis Glen Moray) :Best Junior and Benelux Junior Winner, and her second Junior CAC
4-8 August we had Curly World Seminar with Champshow (139 Curlies entered) and workshops, seminars and workingtest( 54 Curlies entered) In the Champshow I had entered Jussi, Ruby and Vika and with great results:
Ruby :2 Excellent in Bred by Exhibitor class
Vika : 1 Excellent in a strong Junior class and Best Junior in Show
Jussi : 2 Excellent in Championclass and Reserve Best Dog in Show, he was just behind his brother Hero who was Best dog in Show
In the workingtest Jussi had a great day…..but was a bit naughty …..
needless to say we are over the moon!
22 July we were at Retrievershow Luxembourg with Jussi and Vika. At this show Vika(Myosotisis Glen Moray) made her showdebut with her 9 months and was Best Bitch and Luxembourg Junior Champion with a lovely report. Jussi ( Caballus John Brown) showed like a dream even in this hot sunny day and was Best of Breed and afterwards he was BIS-2
In de afgelopen paar maanden hebben Jussi en ik aan diverse werkproeven meegedaan met name de clubdiplomadagen van zuster Retriever verenigingen. In april en mei hebben we het C diploma gehaald en op 24 juni zelfs een B- diploma gehaald op de clubdiplomadag van de Golden Retriever Club in Simonshaven. Voelt als een kroon op al trainingen die we gedaan hebben. Super trots !!!
We had in April and May a C-working certificate for Jussi and in June we even got a B- working Certificate . Proud of my boy !!
Op 5 april hebben we afscheid moeten nemen van onze Wicked. Helaas had ze een zeer snel groeiende tumor die haar veel pijn bezorgde. We missen deze bijzondere lieve oude dame enorm.
Ch Myosotisis Wickle Muskmallow, NJK, CW’11,VK’16, VW’16
*23-12-2006 – ✝ 05-04-2018
Op zondag 1 april is Vika voor het eerst naar dogshow Goes geweest in de puppyklas. Ze deed het geweldig en kreeg een heel mooi verslag. Vika was for the first time at Dogshow Goes . She did great and had a lovely critique.
We had a lovely photoshoot from Hannah Verhoeven ( foto Verhoeven) with Jussi and his daughter Vika ( 5 months)
14 th January we went to Topdog of the Year Show 2017 with Jussi. He was in a very strong Group 8 with 40 dogs to compete and was selected with the 6 finals !!!! Totally over the moon !! What a dog !!!
10th of December we were at the Winner Dogshow in Amsterdam. Jussi (Caballus John Brown)was best dog and became Winner 2017. This is the last show for Jussi this year and what a year he had….. Jussi is now Dutch Champion, VDH(DE) Champion, Clubwinner 2017, German Winner 17, Amsterdam Winner 2017. In January 2018 he is invited to compete in ” dog of the year show” were you can only enter in invitation
We have been to the World Dog Show and German Winner Show in Leipzig (DE) and had great results !!!
Caballus John Brown at the World Dogshow: 9/11/17:
1 Excellent in Championclass , CAC, Reserve best Dog ( ResCACIB)( 47 Curlies entered)
Caballus John Brown ‘Jussi’ was at the German Winner show :8/11/17
1 Excellent in Championclass , Best Dog CACIB and Best of Breed. He is now German Winner’17 , Int.Show Champion ( CIE) and German VDH- Champion. (25 Curlies entered)

Pups now 1 week old ( all pups have been spoken for)
30 th of September 8 puppies are born
3 dogs and 5 bitches
Yes !! It is confirmed now : Ruby is in whelp !!
31th of July Ruby and Jussi had a love date. ?? So we hope for a nice litter by the end of September 2017, they will be all liver
De eerste pups van Jussi zijn nu 6 weken oud, ze wonen nu nog bij hun moeder in Zuid Duitsland. Er is nog 1 lever reutje beschikbaar contact: http://www.curly-coated-retriever.com
Jussi’s first offspring are 6 weeks old now, one liver boy is still available contact: http://www.curly-coated-retriever.com
Op 2 juli waren we op de avondshow van St Limburgia in Echt. Onder keurmeester D.Rutten werd Jussi( Caballus John Brown) Best of Breed en omdat hij nu ook 27 maanden is ( en 5 dagen) is hij nu definitief Nederlands Kampioen . Hij is nu mijn 10e kampioen
Op 24 en 25 juni was ons tweejaarlijks Curly weekend met op zaterdag de kampioensclubmatch en op zondag een onofficiele workingtest. En wat een geweldige resultaten hebben we gehaald met onze honden.
Jussi ( Caballus John Brown) is op de KCM Best Of Breed geworden en Clubwinnaar 2017
Ook waren er mooie resultaten van de meisjes
Ruby ( Myosotisis Miss Greyling) 1 Uitmuntend in de fokkersklas Macey ( Kelsmere Kamala) werd 2 Uitmuntend in de kampioensklas Wicked (M. Wickle Muskmallow) werd 2 Uitmuntend in Veteranenklas
Met de workingtest op zondag was Macey ingeschreven . Ze behaalde een mooie tweede plaats en met haar resutaten vanuit de clubmatch is Macey de beste dual-purpose Curly van 2017 geworden en mocht ze de Storm-Wisselprijs in ontvangst nemen
Op 2 mei is er een echo gemaakt van Impala. En kunnen we blij zijn dat Jussi en Impala in juni 2017 trotse ouders zullen worden. In Duitsland zullen Jussi’s eerste kinderen geboren worden
op 9 juni zijn de pups geboren:
8 jongens (4 bruin en 4 zwart) en 1 zwart teefje
er is nog 1 reutje beschikbaar
29 april 2017 zijn we naar de IDS Antwerpen geweest met Ruby ( Ch Myosotisis Miss Greyling) . Ze behaalde daar een 1 U , CAC/CACIB en werd tevens Beste Teef. Met het behalen van dit CACIB werd Ruby Internationaal Show Champion (CIE) en mag ze nu deze titel voeren. Erg trots op mijn meisje
at IDS Antwerpen our liver bitch Ruby gained her last CACIB , witch made her now an international show champion (CIE) . Very proud of my girl
11 maart waren we met Jussi ( Caballus John Brown) in Birmingham (UK) op Crufts 2017. In een hele sterke Limit Class werd Jussi als derde geplaatst. Jussi is nu ook gekwalificeerd voor Crufts 2018 .Zijn broer Hero werd in dezelfde klasse 1e en tevens beste reu.
Jussi was at Crufts in a strong competative Limit class placed Third . His brother Hero was in the same class, placed first and was best dog !! Jussi is qualified for Crufts 2018 !
Together with brother Hero and breeder Tiina
Op 25 februari zijn we naar de internationale dogshow in Weelde ( BE) geweest. Jussi werd daar 1 uitmuntend, CACIB en BOB. Deze show was een goede oefening voor Crufts waar we over twee weken naartoe gaan
Vandaag 9 februari 2017was de echo van Ruby, helaas waren er geen pupjes te zien…We zijn erg teleurgesteld. Hopelijk lukt het de volgende keer wel.
Vandaag, op 10 januari 2017 is Ruby gedekt door onze Jussi. Als alles goed gaat verwachten we rond 14 maart curlypups !
,!!!! Today Ruby has mated to Jussi and if everything is right we expect our liver litter around 14th of March.!!!!!
!!!! In het voorjaar 2017 verwachten wij leverkleurige pups!!!
Kijk snel in het menu onder “pups” voor meer info.
Op 20 november waren we met Jussi op de Eurodogshow in Kortrijk (BE).
Ook hier werd Jussi 1 Uitmuntend met CAC/CACIB en beste reu !!
In Duitsland zijn we op 16 oktober geweest met onze Jussi ( Caballus John Brown).
Onder rasspecialist Kalvo Krisk ( Est) werd Jussi 1 Uitmuntend , CAC/CACIB. Beste van het ras, en Bundessieger 2016
Mooie resultaten op de BeneluxWinnershow in Maastricht 25 september. Onze Jussi ( Caballus John Brown) 1 uitmuntend, CAC/CACIB en Beneluxwinner NL 2016 en Best of Breed. Ruby (Myosotisis Miss Greyling) 1uitmuntend,CACIB en Beneluxwinner 2016
3 september waren wij op de Internationale dogshow in Rotterdam
Wicked ( Myosotisis Wickle Muskmallow) 1 Uitmuntend Veteranenklas en Best of Breed
tevens werd Wicked 3e in de finals van de Beste veteranen
Jussi ( Caballus John Brown) was beste reu met CAC CACIB
Wicked in main ring
26 Augustus waren wij op de Eurodogshow in Brussel
Caballus John Brown
Europa Junior Winner 2016
Op 10 Juli 2016 waren wij op de DRC show in Bremen met een geweldig resultaat!
Caballus John Brown
1 Uitmuntend
VDH Jeugdkampioen
Beste Reu en Beste van het Ras
Op 7 en 8 Mei waren wij op de show in Dortmund met weer fantastische resultaten:
Caballus John Brown
7 mei: Europa Jugendsieger 2016 en BOB
8 mei: FruhlingsJahrsieger 2016 en Beste Reu
Kelsmere Kamala
7 mei: Europasiegerin 2016 en Beste Teef
tevens is ze nu VDH Kampioen!
8 mei: Reserve Beste Teef
Op 27 maart 2016 waren wij op de International DogShow in Luxemburg:
Caballus John Brown
1 Uitmuntend Jeugdklasse
Luxemburgs Jeugdkampioen
Beste Reu en tevens
Beste van het Ras
Crufts gekwalificeerd
Ch. Myosotisis Miss Greyling
Beste Teef
!!Luxemburgs Kampioen!!
Crufts gekwalificeerd
Op 19 maart 2016 waren wij op de International DogShow in Hazerswoude:
Caballus John Brown
!!Best of Breed!!
Op 23 januari 2016 was onze Jussi voor het eerst in de jeugdklas op de show in Eindhoven:
Caballus John Brown
Beste Jeugdhond
Beste Reu CAC
!!Beste van het Ras!! en 5e van rasgroep 8
Op 18 januari 2016 hebben wij afscheid genomen van “Venus” Multi Ch Myosotisis Singer Nine.
Venus was een enorm vriendelijke Curly met een gouden hart, die ook altijd vol humor zat.
Tot op het laatst was ze een enorme kindervriend en was altijd in de buurt van onze kleindochter.
Ze is bijna 13 jaar bij ons geweest, geboren en gestorven in mijn handen…..Venus wat zullen we je missen.
Op 10 januari 2016 heeft onze Ruby deelgenomen aan de Hond van het Jaar show in Amersfoort
Heel bijzonder dat zij voor deze show was uitgenodigd, vanwege haar Clubwinnaar titel 2015
Ch. Myosotisis Miss Greyling
Op de Winnershow in Amsterdam 2015 behaalde wij het volgende resultaat:
Caballus John Brown
Beste Pup
1 Veel Belovend en Beste Pup
Ch. Myosotisis Miss Greyling
Winster 2016
Op de show in Bleiswijk op 8 november 2015 behaalde wij het volgende resultaat:
Myosotisis Fiyero
1 Uitmuntend in de gebruikershondenklasse
BOB en CAC/CACIB en vanaf vandaag
Tevens was het het showdebuut van onze Jussi:
Caballus John Brown
1 Veel Belovend met een prachtig rapport!
Op 18 november 2015 heeft Lars met zijn eigenaar Mieke Hasselman de zweetspoor proef A gelopen en gehaald!!
Wij zijn trots op dit mooie team!!!
Een nieuwe aanwinst bij Myosotisis!
Caballus John Brown
Klik hier om naar zijn eigen pagina te gaan
Kampioenschaps Clubmatch 20 juni 2015:
Myosotisis Miss Greyling
Myosotisis Wickle Muskmallow
Beste Veteraan en Reserve Beste Teef!
Op de show in Goes op 5 april 2015 behaalde wij het volgende resultaat:
Myosotisis Fiyero
1 Uitmuntend en CAC
Op dé show in Birmingham Crufts op 5 maart 2015 :
Kelsmere Kamala
3 plaats Crufts 2015 Open Class
Op de show in Eindhoven op 6 februari behaalde wij het bolgende mooie resultaat:
Myosotisis Miss Greyling
!!!Nederlands Kampioen!!!
Op de show in Rotterdam 2014 behaalde wij een geweldig resultaat:
Kelsmere Kamala
1 Uitmuntend Kampioensklasse
Best of Breed
Benelux Winner
en nu ook
Internationaal Show Kampioen (CIE)
Crufts qualified for life
Wij waren op de World Curly Seminar in Piikio, Finland en behaalde geweldige resultaten:
Er waren maar liefst 124 Curly’s ingeschreven!
Myosotisis Miss Greyling
1 Uitmuntend in Tussenklasse
Reserve Beste Teef
Beste Lever Curly in Show
Kelsmere Kamala
1 Uitmuntend in Kampioensklasse
3e Beste Teef
Myosotisis Miss Greyling & Kelsmere Kamala
Helaas is op 12 augustus 2014 Kampioen Texan Twostp van het Oosterhuis (Ushi) overleden.
Vaarwerl lieve Ushi, je was een wereld hond!!!
Helaas is op 6 maart 2014 Bowie (Myosotisis Ground Control) op slechts 9-jarige leeftijd ingeslapen.
Wij wensen zijn baasjes Irene Verdaasdonk veel sterkte toe.
Op de Winnershow in Amsterdam 2013 behaalde wij een geweldig resultaat:
Myosotisis Miss Greyling
!!!Jeugdwinster & Winster 2013!!!
Kelsmere Kamala
Reserve Beste Teef!!!
Op de show in Dortmund hadden we weer een geweldig resultaat :
Kelsmere Kamala
!!!Bundessieger 2013!!!
Ze werd 1 uitmuntend in de Open klasse, Beste Teef en BOB
Een geweldig resultaat op de show in Maastricht:
!!!Nederlands Kampioen!!!
Kelsmere Kamala
Best of Breed
Myosotisis Fyero
Op 25 september heeft Myosotisis Fyero (van Mieke Hasselman & Gera Toeters) op de jonge leeftijd van bijna 11 maanden een Zweetspoor F proef
met een U en RCACT afgerond. Hij is de eerste Curly ooit in Nederland die dit heeft behaald. Dit geldt als een veldwerkkwalificatie!
Wij zijn natuurlijk supertrots op Lars enz ijn baasje Mieke Hasselman die hem zo goed heeft voorgejaagd!
Op de show in Rotterdam 2013 behaalde wij een geweldig resultaat:
Myosotisis Miss Greyling
1 Uitmuntend in de Jeugdklasse en vervolgens
Best of Breed!!!
Op de Dogshow 2013 in Goes behaalde wij de volgende resultaten:
Myosotisis Miss Greyling
werd op haar eerste show 1 Veel belovend
Kelsmere Kamala
werd Beste Teef en kreeg het CAC/CACIB